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Finance washes greener

Did you know that the money you contribute for your old age, the AVS, is invested in the ...

RTS Documentary “Sorry, there is no more money for your retirement” (in french)

How much will I have when I retire? Will the amount be enough to live on or will I have ...

BAK study – Economic portrait of pension funds

The Swiss pension system has a well-founded and well-capitalized second pillar: the ...

How the financial industry profits from PF policyholders

Pensions are falling. But the financial industry skims billions off pension funds every ...

Federal Statistical Office – Occupational pensions: lump sum benefits more than twice as high for men

In 2020, the gap between the occupational pension benefits received by men and those ...

SRF – Every third pension fund pays only the minimum interest rate

On average, Swiss pension funds paid 1.5 percent interest on the retirement assets of ...

Which 3a leader is the best ?

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